Are AAA Games “Soulless”? hello welcome to my second video where I talk about games uh last time I talked about Omega Strikers which is a. Funny little air hockey video game and this time I’m gonna talk about the entire AAA industry so a little jump up in complexity now if I was. A generic pretentious YouTube video essay Channel making a video about soulless AAA games I would probably start the video by saying the video game industry has come a. Long way since the days. Of pong and Space Invaders today we have video games that are so realistic they can make you forget you’re playing a game but, with all the advancements in technology it seems like the industry has lost something important along the way Seoul you know the type of. Game I’m talking about the ones with flashy Graphics big explosions and a lot of gun fights sure they’re. Fun for a while but after a few hours you start to feel, like something is missing and that’s because these games lack Soul they’re designed to be Mass Market hits with a focus on profits over. Creativity the people behind these games aren’t interested in making something unique or meaningful they just want to make a lot of money cut to a shot of a person playing a, triple a game with a bland storyline and forgettable characters this was written by AI I had an AI write, this I do not think AAA developers are just evil and want to make a.
Lot of money I promise Solas is an easy word to throw around when it. Comes to Media it’s it’s a scathing critique that really goes past opinions on gameplay or difficulty or graphics and it it goes right to, the heart of some artistic objectivity you know I’m no. Stranger to using the term Solace as well but I think this method of thinking has led to a growing sentiment, that the entire AAA industry is soulless and then the developers get roped into all, of the greedy corporate decisions that they often have little say in while this opinion is technically still the vocal minority I’ve been seeing it pop up.
So much in video essays and internet posts and Reddit comments and Twitter and whatever nowadays that I wanted to address. My thoughts on it as someone who has taken the Indie Games, better side in the past in some of my old Indie Games videos this video isn’t in response to any specific event although just about every week it kind of feels like it, could be it’s something that.