How Indie Games KILLED The AAA Industry

How Indie Games KILLED The AAA Industry how did Halo go from this to this and how can a game made by one dude in his bedroom have a larger player base than Halo Call of Duty and Battlefield combined to answer, these questions we first need to understand why AAA Studios, have taken all of their desire to make fun games and just thrown it out the window did you guys not have phones phone from what I found it all started a few decades. Back when the video game industry really became. Mainstream with the release of Space Invaders this game took the World by storm and really put video games. On the map see companies were scrambling to get a piece of the growing video game, industry and the man who kicked everything off was Space Invaders only developer tomahiro nishikato see the thing is back in the 70s and early, 80s most games were made by one or a few developers you couldn’t pack much until whopping four kilobyte game cartridge after all so games were simple in design but because developers couldn’t lean. On Graphics or music to track a lot of players games developed at this time. Really had to be fun and tomahiro understood this. Perfectly in an interview a few years ago tomihiro even had this to say yes I developed Space Invaders by myself in those days that was the standard.

For games to be made by one person today however that work in development is so divided and specialized that one person can’t really, see the whole picture, and in that sense I think developers need to go back to the beginning although tomohito doesn’t fully explain what he means by beginning what I interpret his words to. Mean is to get back to where each team member understands the vision of the game they are working to create the video game industry wouldn’t. Be the same without tomahiro and I believe he’s a, huge reason why gaming is what it is today Space Invaders captivated Millions around the world causing people to fall in love with video.

Games and ushering in the Golden Age of the AAA game over the next few years technology for making games improved drastically and games became more. Sophisticated it required more people for development couldn’t just make a game, on your own anymore the industry was maturing and teams needed all sorts of talent and specialization to make games.

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