How to Add User-Specific Secrets to GitHub Codespaces

How to Add User-Specific Secrets to GitHub Codespaces hey guys and welcome back there’s one other feature i wanted to cover in the github code spaces service and that is the ability to create. Encrypted secrets for your code spaces now there might be things like api keys or other types of secrets that are, specific to your user account so when you’re logged into github and you create a github code space you only want those secrets to be available to you personally not, anybody who has access to your shared, github repository that’s something we can actually configure as an environment variable for that github code space and then anytime that you personally spin up a, code space you’ll be able to see those secrets as environment variables whereas other users that are. Collaborating on your github repository will not be able to see them so just really quickly here if we take a look at our organization which is cbt trevor and then we have.

This organization repository called github code spaces this is kind of our shared working environment with the rest of our. Colleagues because this is where, our application code would go as we’re building out some kind of application so on this organization repository, if there’s any common api secrets that we need to share with the rest of the team we would probably configure those, at the repository level so on this repository if we drill over to settings and then scroll down and go to secrets you can see that we have the ability to set repository level secrets right, here and i’ve actually used this feature a fair, amount in some of my other training on github actions workflows so that you can use secret values for things, like aws cloud secret access keys that you want to use inside of a, github workflow github actions workflow rather you can store those in the repository level secrets and then reference those, inside of the github actions workflows however if there are api keys as we talked about that are specific to you individually that are not, to be shared with the rest of the team right.

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