marketing 101, learn marketing basics, fundamentals, and best practices marketing is defined as the process that ensures the right products and services get to the right markets at the right time and at the right price the devil in that sentence lies in the use, of the word right the deal has to, work for the customer because if they don’t want what you have to offer the game is over before you begin you. Have to offer value and satisfaction otherwise people will either choose an apparently superior competitor or if they do buy from you and are dissatisfied they won’t buy again or still they may. Bad mouth you to a lot of other people for you the marketer being right, means that there have to be enough people wanting your product or service to make the venture profitable and.
Ideally those numbers should be getting bigger rather than smaller so inevitably marketing is something of a voyage of discovery for both supplier and consumer from which both. Parties learn something and hopefully improve the boundaries, of marketing stretch from inside the mind of the customer perhaps uncovering emotions they were themselves, barely aware of out to the logistic support systems that get the product or service into customers hands each part of the value chain from. Company to consumer has the potential to add value or kill the deal marketing is. Also a circuitous activity as you explore the topics you will see that you need the, answers to some questions before you can move on and indeed once you have some answers you may have to go back a step to review an earlier stage, the starting point in marketing is definition of the scope of, the market you are in or are aiming for this comes from the business objectives mission and vision that form the heart of the strategy, of the enterprise but effective marketing is concerned fundamentally with dealing with a defined product service market scope. These concepts apply to any marketing activity but you will find that understanding them is made easier by applying them to the business you are in. Or have some appreciation of the relevant market will be shared by various competing businesses in. Different proportions typically there will be a market leader a couple of market followers and a host of businesses trailing in their wake the slice that each competitor, has of a market is its market share you will find that marketing people are fixated on, market share perhaps even more so than on absolute sales that may appear a little more than a rational desire to beat the. Enemy and appear higher in rankings but it has a much more deep-seated and profound logic so any company capturing a. Sizable market share will have an implied cost advantage over any competitor. With a smaller market share that cost advantage can then be used to make more profit lower prices and compete for an even greater share of the market or invest, in making the product better and so stealing a march on competitors it follows that if market, share and relative size are important marketing goals you need to assess your products, and services positions relative to the competition in your relevant market the techniques most used, to carry out this analysis are swot and perceptual mapping.