Pixilart.com Animated GIF Tutorial

Pixilart.com Animated GIF Tutorial in this tutorial you’re going to create an animated gif using pixelart.com start by making an account i already have an account so i’m going to come down here to sign in but if you don’t have an account, you’re going to. Use your google sign-in to connect with pixelart.com i’m going to sign in and then i’m going to click start drawing, the site is going to show you some tips that you can use to get started i’m going to skip that for now and then you’ll have the option of creating a new. Drawing with a blank canvas it defaults to 100 pixels high by 100 pixels wide and that is fine for what we’re doing. So i’m going to hit new drawing, and okay we are going to be making a smiley face so i’m starting with my, circle tool and holding shift on the keyboard to make an even circle if it’s not centered you can use the move, tool to position it where you need it over here we have our palettes i’m going to create a new palette and call it smiley a palette is a selection of colors that you use for. Our project i’m going to add a new color to the palette and i want.

It to be a nice bright yellow for, my smiley face and i’m going to hit select color now i’m using the paint bucket tool over, here to fill in the center of the circle and this will be everything that i have on this layer. Just like photoshop or photo p that we’ve used in the past pixel art has the option to create your. Art in layers the layers are like images that are stacked on top of each other so you can see all layers at once except. Where a layer above blocks out the content of a layer underneath sorry that that explanation is a little unclear but i’m going to show you what i, mean so i’m going to come over here to my layers panel and hit the plus.

Sign to add a new layer i’m going to double click the name of the circle layer and name it circle. And double click the layer here and i’m going to name that background now i’m, going to move the background layer underneath and add a new color to my palette pick a purple color and use my paint bucket to fill the background now i’m, going to add another layer this one is going to be called face and i’m going to drag that to the, top and use the pencil tool set to black to draw some eyes and a mouth once i’m, on the pencil tool i can choose to mirror x that’s going to draw a symmetrical design that’s the, same on the left and right i can increase my pixel size from one to two that’s going to help make the line, a little thicker and i’m drawing some eyes and make those a little taller actually, because i think it’ll look better and a mouth when you’re drawing pixel art try clicking instead of actually drawing and dragging because sometimes when you, draw and drag you don’t have as much control so give it a try try both, ways see what works for you now that i have my smile and my eyes drawn if i want, to move just one part of that up or down.



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