Simple Sand Castle Challenge with

Simple Sand Castle Challenge with today we’re doing the 3d shape sandcastle challenge we’re going to be using clara dot io to do that challenge and the challenge is to use simple 3d shapes and geometry to create a.

Virtual sand castle so let’s jump in and get started i’m here in clara dot.

Io and we’re going to make a new scene except that and we’re going to, call this my simple sand castle we’ll use webgl and we’ll set it so that it’s only visible in my profile hit create to get started all right and here we go so we’ve got the. Four viewpoints over here i’m probably just going to use the one to get, started it’s got the grid turned off right now i’m going to turn that grid back. On and for those of you who are new i just want to show some information about controls if we go to the, user guide and then hit basics interface and then navigation that’s what we’re looking for here’s the three basic controls you’re going to want to make. Sure you have down pan that’s to move your.

Viewport left and right orbit that’s to circle around something and zoom in and out so if, we add box here zoom in and out i’m going to hold down command and click to orbit and command control and, click to pan all right now i’m going to maximize this viewport so that i can see a little bit better and well let’s start building our sand. Castle so i think i’m going to start with a nice big piece in the middle here and well maybe we’ll just. Use this cube as is give it a kind of sand color let’s see that kind of looks like sand to me, we’ll go with that cool and around this we’re. Going to want to build a wall so i’m going to need another cube there it is and i’m going to use copy, and paste to give it the same color as well there you go now we’ve got a.

Couple options for scaling if we’re going to turn this into a wall one thing. We can do is hit the scale tool over here in the top left and drag and we can drag along a particular axis or we could scale the whole thing by grabbing a little ball in the, middle.

The other thing that we can do to set up the size is to edit the depth the width, and height over on the side here so by giving it a depth of two we’ll make it twice as wall as as wide and twice as deep and that’s starting to look a bit like a. Sand castle wall to me now we’re gonna need more of these, and so i’m gonna hit clone we’re gonna make a copy of it and that’s kind of another wall and then if i control click i’m going to, select both and i’m going to do, the same thing i’m going to clone and make another copy but this time i’m going to rotate them see and these will be my other walls i.

Think under transform i can make sure i get that exactly right so doing 90 degrees that way it’ll be nice and, even grab the move tool and then we’re gonna have to make some towers for our corners okay. Let’s see if we could perfect that a little bit later that looks pretty good now for, the corners i think i’m.

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