TOP 10 BEST Nintendo Switch Games

TOP 10 BEST Nintendo Switch Games trying to put together 10 games that were the best on the nintendo switch were very difficult for me   but i think i’ve been able to put together 10 i feel truly deserve.

The top 10 spots with a few   honorable mentions and just a bit. Of rules so real quick i’m not going to be having any games   that weren’t built or launched on the nintendo switch first or a dual launch so certain ports   that came over those will not be on the. Top 10 list not that they’re not good, enough to be in   the top ten i just feel that if they launched originally they were brought over. Later they can   stay off of this list since they were originally on a different platform. Now let’s go ahead and   get into the honorable mentions than the top ten so for my honorable mentions fire emblem warriors   three hopes monster, hunter rise plus monster derived sun break kirby and the forgotten land   platoon 2 and mario plus rabbids kingdom battle all of these games have cool dynamic gameplay   lots of content things to do online multiplayer with, splatoon 2. it’s fantastic monster to. Rise is   really good there’s so much stuff that these games do and they almost made it into my top 10 list now   with that out of the way let’s go ahead and jump into. Number 10. shin megami tensei 5 from atlas in   2021 now this game just sneaked into the top 10 and the reason why is, that it’s one of the, best   looking games on the nintendo switch especially going from the nintendo 3ds to the switch that  , was quite the jump for the smt franchise and it obviously paid off with the unreal engine 4.   the gameplay is also probably the best thing about this game it’s solid smt.

Mega 10 press turn system   where you can just exploit, your enemy but you also have to be very wary about yourself   because the enemies can also exploit you and can really just wipe your party out in a hurry   and this game is just punishing especially on the hard. Difficulty where once your party is. Wiped man   there is no auto saving you could lose a lot of progress so it’s kind of old school in its nature  . Which i did like that about the game the demon fusion is better than ever and a lot of the   plot that’s intertwined with actually completing the side quests and everything and doing, all the   different demon fusions and getting stuff is really cool especially with the secret. Ending   at the end and of course it wouldn’t be a mega 10 game without, the incredible music and that’s part   of the reason why i kept playing and playing and playing was the music was just, awesome as well so   at number 10 is shin megami tensei 5 from atlas number nine pokemon legends arceus this game it   was kind of once again kind of teetering with some of, the other games that i have on the list   but i ended up putting it. On here because of its innovative gameplay i love what they did they did   a nice mix not too much into the action but just enough to really, get the creative juices flowing   when it comes.

To what they can do in the future but just speaking on this game itself i loved   the hiding in the bushes and, throwing the pokeball and kind of doing different things that way with   the gameplay the strong style the speed style it changed, up so much with the usual pokemon formula   also with the traversal in the open-ended areas having a different pokemon that you can switch to   at any point and kind, of fly around or go on the ground or go in the water was. Just like an instant   and a breeze and it just flowed and gelled you combine that with the stealth aspects. And all   the other new aspects they added into the game pokemon legends arcus was the most innovative   game that, i’ve seen in the pokemon franchise for like decades at this point so i had to get it   especially with that banging soundtrack and the great gameplay obviously the graphics necessarily   not the best. But it more than makes up for it and that’s why it’s number nine on my list, number   eight fire emblem three houses nintendo 2019 now this game. Has like a triple threat of awesomeness   to it the music is some of the best, that i’ve ever heard the story is absolutely epic and   that’s probably what makes this game really tick is the hype story and the multiple different paths   and just the sorrow the range of emotions the happiness that you feel. Kind, of hearing all these   different stories and interacting with all these characters but it’s not just that the gameplay   is peak top-notch strategy rpg from the battalions to the different combat arts to the weapons to the   leveling everything in this game. Gameplay-wise just really gives you more, like a creative   canvas to really upgrade and free flow the way that you want to with your characters what you   want to build up and it can be unforgiving on.

The higher difficulty levels and of course the classic   is back where if, your unit dies they’re done forever so i think that gameplay wise everything   is solved there obviously the graphics initially aren’t the best in all areas but once again just   like pokemon legends it more. Than makes up for it with its other things like the music the story   and. The gameplay which is exactly the reason why fire emblem three houses makes us number eight. On   my list number seven metroid dread nintendo and mercury steam 2021 this game is pretty much near  , perfect in my eyes and some of you guys might be wondering well why isn’t it higher on the list   and the only reason why it’s not is just because all the, other games above.

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