Vingle & Fingle meeting with Martell – Share an idea for PD morale & ask for promotion

Vingle & Fingle meeting with Martell – Share an idea for PD morale & ask for promotion okay i better not come back to you guys having girlfriends okay i’m going to be trying we won’t don’t think because i’m not here for two [ __ ]. Weeks that you could do whatever the [ __ ] you want you [ __ ] understand me we we have to [ __ ] carmilla can, i give like a real answer yes you’re getting in the hot seat and you’re, giving me one thing you tie my for the eight months yeah go ahead fingel grapple guns we want more or less i want to be able to use, the graph again pd bazooka okay what’s the thing that makes. You want to get off duty not being able to use the graph again not being able to, use pd bazooka not being able to have that we don’t have one yet it would make well i would be okay i got it you got it right okay the thing that makes me want to go, have to be the most is the chain of command that to go away what.

Do you want everyone to be the same range. Yes what makes me want to go off duty the four-hour mark martel yeah literally so what do you what you, want to get rid of chain of command so no i haven’t just arguing okay all right all right all right so we need uh we need exemplary exemplary exemplary thank you.

Sorry about your parents exemplary example how do you say that exemplary i need exemplary cops to want to stay. On duty longer and what’s the best way to get someone to stay on duty quick guess anyone quick guessing money money what’s, up petey bashuka no not pity [ __ ] bazooka right so what we have to do is that the cops doing really. Good work they get put in a list for auto i have. No idea gothian what so other people will auto host them and they’ll get, more viewers therefore getting more money making them want to stay that’s a good idea actually auto host from who though just everyone. Yeah so you guys should make a group called los santos pd or something then if you’re an exemplary cop and, if you’re an exemplary cop the you’ll get added to the auto host and that will make people respect gina come in it’ll make people stop doing dumb [ __ ] because. If you do dumb [ __ ] you can’t get in the auto host you’re.

Weaponizing viewers but in a good way an anonymous gift or thank you for, gifting it to my parents forever in a good way it’s always been enough yeah but like. Hey if you don’t murder someone guess what buddy you’re getting in the auto host yeah but i feel like that almost makes, toxic coppers worse cause like if you announce that you’re taking someone on the. Auto host then like everyone just even people who like this venom when you when you set rules for something they’re set there in their rules you do, something stupid you can’t be blamed you’re unfair though well that’s a common problem that would have to be decided by whoever wants to start it.

I guess yeah and who would that be i don’t [ __ ] know yeah see that’s. Where it falls think i give a [ __ ] i press one. Button i’m rich okay this this is for you small fry i’m sorry it worked for me what button do you press well look, the point is none of that matters i want to be able to use grapple guns and not respect chain of command.

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